Where to find datasets for projects

Where to start

If you’re someone with an interest in dealing with data projects in your work, then you know it can be a time-consuming and frustrating process to find the right resources for development. It can often feel as though there are endless possibilities out there; however, not all of them will give the results you desire. Knowing where to look is key — that's why we've put together this helpful guide on finding quality sources of data that can support any type of project. From open government sites to subscription services and everything in between – use this as your go-to reference point when searching for data collections that could inspire new worlds of discovery.


Look into open data initiatives

Open data initiatives have revolutionized the way we access and use information. By making valuable datasets publicly available, organizations and governments are enabling people to explore and analyze data, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. From weather reports to traffic data, crime statistics to healthcare records, the amount of open data available is staggering. By delving into open data projects, you can discover a world of information that was previously locked away. With so much potential for innovation and discovery, it's no wonder that open data initiatives have become such a hot topic. So why not start by exploring what's out there and see where open data can take you?

Check out our list of open data sources.


Government databases

When it comes to gathering information for research, utilizing government databases can provide you with a wealth of detailed information. These databases and websites are maintained by government agencies and contain information on a vast array of topics. Whether you're researching health trends, economic data, or environmental issues, government databases can provide you with reliable and accurate information. The great thing about using government databases is that the information is usually free and can be accessed easily online.

So next time you're conducting research, remember to check out government databases to get the information you need. Here are some to consider:


Take advantage of online repositories

In today's digital world, information is plentiful and easy to access thanks to technological innovations. One area where this is particularly true is in the realm of data. Online repositories, like Kaggle, Google Dataset Search, and Amazon Public Datasets, provide an abundance of information that can be utilized by professionals in a variety of fields. Whether you are a researcher, analyst, or data scientist, these repositories offer a treasure trove of valuable data waiting to be explored. By taking advantage of these online resources, you can make sense of complex data sets, uncover insights that were previously hidden, and develop new strategies that can drive your business or research forward. So if you're looking for the latest and greatest data, don't hesitate to check out online repositories and start mining their vast reserves today.


Follow data science blogs and websites

In the data science realm, staying up-to-date with the latest news and updates is crucial. One way to do that is by following data science blogs. These blogs can provide valuable insights into new algorithms, programming languages, and tools. Furthermore, they often offer datasets that have been mentioned, which can be useful for those looking for some raw data to experiment with. Although there are many blogs out there, choosing one or a few to follow can be a time saver and keep you up-to-date in your area of interest. So, if you want to stay in touch with the latest happenings in the world of data science, following data science blogs can be an excellent way to do so. Here are some of our favourites:


Tap into social media platforms

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with a vast ocean of data to explore. If you're looking for datasets related to your project, don't overlook the potential of platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook groups. These platforms offer a wealth of information on practically any topic imaginable, with millions of users from around the world sharing their thoughts and experiences. With a little research and exploration, you can tap into this vast resource and discover valuable insights that can help you achieve your goals. So why wait? Start exploring today and unlock the power of social media for your project.


Leverage academic resources

When embarking on a research project, it's important to remember that academic resources are within reach. University websites and research papers are valuable tools that can provide access to curated datasets specifically tailored to your project needs. These resources can offer a wealth of information, from raw data to analysis and interpretation. Additionally, academic resources often undergo a rigorous vetting process, ensuring that the information they provide is reliable and accurate. So why not leverage these resources to their full potential? By taking advantage of academic resources, you can bolster your research with credible sources and enhance your project's overall quality. Pro tip: Most public libraries in the Greater Toronto Area have access to academic databases like JSTOR, Merchant Intellect, and many more. All you will need is a public library card to access these resources.


Data science reading list